Saturviit launches women’s training workshops in Nunavik

Organization will host five-day sessions in six communities this winter


Quaqtaq's then mayor Eva Deer speaks to women at the 2013 Arnaliat Nipingit conference, Saturviit's annual forum. (PHOTO COURTESY OF SATURVIIT)

Quaqtaq’s then mayor Eva Deer speaks to women at the 2013 Arnaliat Nipingit conference, Saturviit’s annual forum. (PHOTO COURTESY OF SATURVIIT)

The Saturviit Inuit Women’s Association of Nunavik is inviting Nunavimmiut women to take part in leadership training workshops planned for the region’s Hudson coast this winter.

Starting Jan. 30, the association will host five-day training workshops in six communities along the coast. The workshops are open to women aged 16 years and up.

The workshops will offer participants tools to build confidence, to promote healing and to develop skills in leadership, communication and financial management.

Participants will also learn the political history of Nunavik and work on a collective piece of art to be displayed at the end of the workshop.

Saturviit will host the training in the following communities:

• Puvirnituq Jan. 30 to Feb. 3;

• Umiujaq Feb. 6 to Feb. 10;

• Kuujjuarapik Feb. 13 to Feb. 17;

• Inukjuak Feb. 27 to March 3;

• Akulivik March 6 to March 10; and,

• Ivujivik March 13 to March 17.

Each workshop has space for 15 women.

Interested participants can register by calling Saturviit at 1-866-944-5003 or by emailing

Saturviit plans to offer leadership training to other Nunavik communities this coming spring and summer.

The non-profit association’s mandate is to give voice to Inuit women and children and to support positive, healthy communities.

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