Open Letter to the Minister of Education


I am a parent with a teenager attending Inuksuk High School. For the second time this year I have learned of a student in the High School receiving a very substantial scholarship for post-secondary education.

The interesting thing is that both of these students are the children of teachers at the school. This is not the first time I have heard of such large scholarships being awarded to the children of teachers, guidance counselors, principals, and otherwise employees of the Department of Education.

I feel that the public of Nunavut should all be aware of the process involved in competing for these scholarships. I have had two children graduate from Inuksuk High School and have seen very little information in respect to scholarships available. I have asked other students also and received the response that they too have received little information from the high school. How are students at the high school being made aware of these scholarships? Is the high school promoting these scholarships to all students without discrimination?

I feel that it is unfair that students of employees of the Department of Education should be the only ones to benefit from these scholarships. Parents of children attending the high school must be assured that all students have equal access to these scholarships.

(Name withheld by request)

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